
MyTel Sanctions

The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced that it has added MyTel, a Myanmar telecommunications company, to its sanctions list. The new regulations, which took effect on January 6, include a major Myanmar company, and the Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Security (BIS) has revised its export regulations.

The ERC – Consumer Review Committee, a committee led by the U.S. Department of Commerce and composed of representatives from the Departments of State, Defense, Energy, and Treasury, decided to add MyTel to the sanctions list.

The statement also said that the designation was based on actions that are inconsistent with the national security and foreign policies of the United States.

Specifically, MyTel is alleged to have provided financial and intelligence services to the Burmese military council. Therefore, the military council has identified and placed on the sanctions list the individuals and groups it targets, as they are likely to commit human rights violations.

It has also been announced that the company will require a permit for the export, re-export, and transfer of goods, and that applications for such permits will be considered as denials.

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