Tactics Project Managers Must Know

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While project managers must have a firm grounding in the processes used to take a project from initiation to completion, there’s much more to it than that. Essentially, PMs are like military leaders attempting to achieve an objective in the field. Just like military leaders, project managers need to have a firm grasp on tactics to ensure they have the best chance for success.
Is Your Project Ready?
Project readiness can be a deceptive thing. How do you know when a project is prime for starting? You need to dig deep for this one. The budget needs to be there, but you must also have clearly defined goals for the project. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of the plan should be examined closely before any action is taken. The plan should be well thought out and viable, taking into account every conceivable factor that could affect completion of your tasks toward project success.
Specificity Is Your Friend
Every project, no matter how large or small, needs to have concrete, specific objectives. Without specific objectives, you lack clearly delineated goals. Ephemeral goals cannot be reached and are subject to constant change and flux. That leads directly to poor performance and a failed project. Insist on clearly stated objectives and then build your plan around those objectives. Each objective statement needs to address several things, including quality, timeframe and cost so that you can adequately plan.

Don’t Over Focus
It can be difficult to shift your focus from technical issues like time to completion and budget to softer issues, but it is vital that you do so. Lack of leadership and lack of teamwork are two of the most common factors in project failure, and you need to dedicate enough attention to these matters to ensure that your team is working together well, acts as a cohesive whole and is making progress toward those goals set forth in your plan.
Know the Stakeholders and Communicate with Them
Every project has a wide range of stakeholders associated with it. This might be managers in the client company, or those within your own firm. Stakeholders might include product testers or subcontractors. The potential range here is stunning. It’s vital that you know from the outset who your major stakeholders are and how you will communicate with them throughout the course of the project. Any communication tool you will use should be noted, including email, project management software, in person meetings and more.
Know Your Process
There are numerous project management processes available, and you need to select the best one for your specific situation. Agile management might be the best for one project, while waterfall management is better for another. Know what processes are out there, how they work and how they apply to your specific project.
Developing the right tactics will help ensure that you are able to lead your team forward and that you have clearly defined objectives. From communication to focusing on the actual management portion of your position, the items listed above will help ensure better success.

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